Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend update:  Started glassing the interior of the main hull and have the decks tacked together for the amas.  I need to start getting a little more time on the boat after work during the week. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

You can never have enough clamps.  I needed all I have for just one ama at a time.  Got the inwales installed on both hulls.  I have a power plane but there is something very relaxing about using a hand plane.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sometimes figuring out how to make parts for the boat is fun.  I needed a fiberglass tube to act as the mast base.  The tube had to be slightly larger than 2.5" ID.  I used a pool noodle with a dowel to keep it straight, wrapped it with newspaper to the proper diameter and covered it with plastic.  Now I just need to wrap it with several layers of fiberglass cloth and resin.  I should then be able to destroy/remove the pool noodle and have the proper size tube.