Monday, October 27, 2014

I picked up the Hobie TI front crossarm  today.  The below photos are a quick clamp together of the parts to see if it works.  The spacing is great.  The mast dropped in fine and locked in with a sharp "click".  The release worked fine also. 
I need to do some fine tuning and figure out all the hardware and shims for attaching it but I think this will work.  I may add another brace from the piece of wood at the bottom of the mast tube to the bottom of the hull.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

I've ordered the Tandem Island front crossbeam with the plate for the roller bearings from Hobie.  Hopefully that will resolve my mast installation issues.  We'll see when it shows up.  I got back to work on the big stuff. 

The mail hull ready for fairing.

The main hull fair and with the cloth ready for glassing tomorrow.  6 oz cloth on the exterior and 4 oz on the interior of the main hull.